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Strategic Business Leadership | Marketing Executive


leadership in the world of healthcare

sum stats.

As of Q3 2023, I’ve worked directly with 2,471 healthcare providers on their marketing and advertising strategy since 2014. It’s possible I forgot some, so I rounded up to 2500.

An impressive track record of developing and leading succesfull marketing strategy for over 375+ healthcare facilities, including private practices, hospitals, and health systems. This unique experience is second to none.

Aaron has architected an impressive portfolio, skillfully blueprinting, constructing, launching and maintaining 128 websites—each a pixel-perfect piece of the digital tapestry and no ‘site’ set on slowing down. Okay, enough puns.

With over a decade and a half (17 years) of business leadership, Aaron excels in managing diverse teams, vendors, and technologies, while specializing in strategic growth and marketing innovation.

Aaron Buch


Music isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s a lifelong passion that deeply influences my business acumen and creativity. I’ve been playing guitars and pounding drums for well over two decades. I’ve toured the country, been signed to record labels, and released numerous albums. Working with some of the best producers and audio engineers in the world has not only honed my musical abilities but also sharpened my ear for understanding the nuanced needs of client, projects and storytelling.

I started playing music because it made me feel good, and that hasn’t changed. When I began, I had no idea how much I’d learn from improvising in jam sessions, being disciplined in the studio, or collaborating with other musicians. These experiences have shaped my leadership style. For me, running a successful company is like composing a great song—different elements coming together in a way that just clicks. Whether I’m launching a new digital marketing campaign or working on a new music track, my goal is the same: to create something memorable, impactful, and well-coordinated.

Aaron Buch Directing


From the writer’s room to the executive suite, Aaron’s creative journey has been anything but conventional. With a rich portfolio that includes writing numerous TV shows and stand-up comedy routines, he’s no stranger to the art of storytelling. Having sold shows to renowned networks like HBO, Aaron understands the intricacies of pitching, selling, and delivering content that resonates with diverse audiences.

But it’s not all laughs and scripts; these experiences have provided him with invaluable skills transferable to business leadership. Crafting a compelling story—whether it’s a comedy routine or a business strategy—requires an intimate understanding of audience psychology, timing, and the elements that make people connect and invest. As a CEO and executive, Aaron leverages these storytelling skills to build brands, inspire teams, and drive operational excellence.

In the realm of business operations and as a CEO, Aaron embodies the creative agility and strategic thinking honed through years in the entertainment industry. The ability to captivate an audience and present ideas is not only crucial for the stage but also for the boardroom. His multidisciplinary expertise makes him uniquely qualified to navigate the complexities of business leadership, ensuring not just operational efficiency but also a culture of innovation and engagement.

Aaron Buch


Music isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s a lifelong passion that deeply influences my business acumen and creativity. I’ve been playing guitars and pounding drums for well over two decades. I’ve toured the country, been signed to record labels, and released numerous albums. Working with some of the best producers and audio engineers in the world has not only honed my musical abilities but also sharpened my ear for understanding the nuanced needs of client, projects and storytelling.

I started playing music because it made me feel good, and that hasn’t changed. When I began, I had no idea how much I’d learn from improvising in jam sessions, being disciplined in the studio, or collaborating with other musicians. These experiences have shaped my leadership style. For me, running a successful company is like composing a great song—different elements coming together in a way that just clicks. Whether I’m launching a new digital marketing campaign or working on a new music track, my goal is the same: to create something memorable, impactful, and well-coordinated.

Aaron Buch - Paint Studio


In the world of visual art, I’ve always been drawn to the expansive and tactile nature of painting. There’s something about stretching a large canvas and letting your imagination run wild on it. My go-to medium? Acrylics, especially in bold and neon hues that really pop. But don’t let the vivid colors fool you—there’s a method to the madness.

Each piece may look like a burst of spontaneous energy, there’s a lot more going on under the hood. Every stroke, every dribble, and even each seemingly random smear is a calculated move. These aren’t just splashes of paint; they’re deliberate elements that contribute to a larger story I’m trying to tell. And what’s that story? Well, it often mirrors philosophies or beliefs that resonate with me.

The whole process for me is like a high-stakes game of chess. Each move has to be thought out; it’s about strategy and execution as much as it is about inspiration. Yet, just like in chess, there’s room for unpredictability, for that spontaneous flick of the wrist that adds a twist to the narrative.

So whether it’s in the boardroom or in front of a canvas, the principles remain the same for me: vision, planning, and a bit of room for the unexpected. The end goal? To create something that not only grabs attention but also provokes thought and stays with you long after you’ve moved on.

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United State, NJ


(855) 808-0319